KNOW... God
The mission and purpose of our church is found in the need of every human to connect with our gracious God in relationship through Jesus Christ. Our hope and prayer is that you and your family find the fulfillment that can only be found in Him.
Our Staff

Tom Grantham
Allow me to introduce myself, and in so doing, introduce you to the ministry of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. Our purpose for existing is three-fold, and all related to fulfilling God's plan for us as individuals and as a local church.
We serve a God who is the Creator of all the universe, mighty and majestic in power, gracious and loving in character, and sovereign in all the affairs of life. He is worthy of our worship and praise, and we meet together as His children to offer up that worship. We do this through our singing and music, through our testimonies to His greatness and faithfulness, through our personal communion with Him in prayer, and through our response in submission and obedience to His Word.
We have the most exciting, most electrifying news that the world has ever known - that Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, has come to earth to redeem the human race! It is called the gospel - the good news of God's offer of love and forgiveness. We have been commissioned as His followers to share this news with everyone - with our neighbor who lives across the street, and with the person who lives in the farthest regions of the globe. We seek to do this through the preaching and teaching of the gospel message, through living our lives in such a way as to illustrate the saving, sanctifying and satisfying impact of the gospel, and through missionary support and participation that seeks to make His name known throughout the world.
As we follow the example of Christ, we recognize that His call is a call into service of others. He said of Himself that He did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28). A great part of our growth in Christ is identifying our role, our place of service within His kingdom. Our goal is to demonstrate God's love in our care and love for others. We certainly want to serve one another within the church, encouraging and helping each other in any way we can. But we also want to serve our community, our neighbors, and anyone anywhere who is in need.
We at Pleasant Grove wish to extend this offer to you - to serve you and minister to you in any way that we can. We hope that you will feel comfortable in calling on us whenever you think we can be of service.

Tim Wagner
Music Director
I have always had a love for music and enjoy serving Christ alongside such great talent. I grew up in Pennsylvania where I accepted Christ during VBS at the age of 9. I worked with Rite Aid for 32 years as a Regional Supervisor and now am the Site Coordinator for an ENT. I have two children: Adam and Chelsea. I enjoy working out, kayaking, and spending time with family and friends.
Brandie Brooks
Audio / Visual Tech
I have worshiped and served at Pleasant Grove for 25 years. I have been a teacher in Christian education for 13 years. I currently serve as a staff member at Praise Academy. I am a die-hard Notre Dame fan and a self-proclaimed Baptist nun.
Gene Head
Sunday School Director
I married my wife, Norma, in December of 1964. We have three children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandsons. I retired from Voith Paper Fabric and Roll Service in 2019 and enjoy woodworking, camping, and spending time with my family.

Deli and Amy Newbold
Rooted Student Ministry Directors
I married my best friend, Deli, in 2004 and we have 3 sons. I am a strong advocate for children with special needs and adoption as both of these situations have greatly impacted our lives. My passion is making children's lives better and showing them they are loved. I am a graduate of Luther Rice University with a Bachelors Degree in Religion and Biblical Counseling. I have a servant's heart and enjoy volunteer work. Outside of my work at the church, I am currently Vice President of PTA and a leader in Cub Scouts.

Ryan Parodi
Grove Kids Director
Hello, I am Ryan Parodi and I would like to welcome your family to Grove Kids! A place where the next generation can grow in the Lord. We are committed to not only teaching the Bible, but also training disciples for Christ. We also do several fun family events during the year! We offer Children's Sunday School, Children's Worship, AWANA, and KAMP Kids. It is our goal that every child who comes through our doors knows that Jesus loves them and they hear the Gospel.

Margo Mowry
Nursery Director
I grew up in Douglasville and moved to Dallas when I married Paul in July 1995. Paul has since passed. We have one daughter, Lashai. I have worked for the Paulding County Board of Education since 1997. I enjoy camping, watching new and old movies, and hanging out with family and friends.